Tuesday 5 August 2014

Sometimes, people just hoping to get away from the city.
And so do I.

I told my boy i just needed a place to rest, like totally rest, doing nothing.
So he brought me out for a 2D1N trip in Cherating.
It is not very well planned and I packed my bag right before we left.
I forgot the most important beach wear-bikini. And he forgot bringing toothpaste and toothbrush.

Although it is a short journey from home, we still enjoyed that journey. 
The feeling was so awesome when we are on the way there.
The first thing we do is visiting resort. 
We visited a few resort including those which where all the activities were held.
We weren't plan for any activity (river-trip, make your own batik, turtle sanctuary visit, etc.)
So we left that place and choose the Holiday Villa Resort a few km away.
Bf prefer The Legend (RM300+) located right next to Holiday Villa (RM200) but it was a little out of budget so Holiday Villa would be perfect.

If someone ask me, what do u do there ?
I would answer nothing, we just relaxed and enjoy being next to each other.
We were really happy that we came, and we are excited for the next trip.
and would i come again ? 
My answer would be no. Maybe yes but just for a beach walk.

If someone is planning for a trip to Cherating.
Things to bring : Beachwear, Sunscreen, Teatree oil or any other medication for mosquito relief
After sunset, we spend most our time in room because the mosquito is very bothering and no place we could go, thought of going to the restaurant to have beer but still, the mosquito really pissed me.
And u would prefer to have your food outside at other restaurant rather than dining in the resort.

Tuesday 8 April 2014


来到这儿 真正读我一点点的平凡小故事的人寥寥无几
所以来到这儿的 都是有缘人呀 哈哈
因为每当写一篇心情 或一篇无聊的文章 或投诉心情
那"我"的部落各 就不是"我"的部落各了

倒数 1 个月时间 就是 法律系第二年的尾考了
加油中 ^^

Monday 7 April 2014


到现在发觉自己满意的产品都在sasa和etude house

Foam Cleanser 泡泡棉棉的感觉很喜欢
Peeling Gel 在城市的生活让我觉得脸上的毛孔都很脏
用了Peeling Gel觉得脸比较滑最重要就是比较干净

很喜欢因为都不油 重点可以卸干净

(Moisturizer-Laneige Water Bank)

本人的脸是混合敏感性 很麻烦
蛮不错 很喜欢
加 : 脸敏感时会用上aleo vera gel
有豆豆会用pimple pen
豆豆恢复时会用hiruscar gel

I Love It when u are by my Side

Sunday 16 February 2014

Im - Sharlene
22 岁了 有时还会像个小孩
面子书上永不破50赞 呵呵 =="
没有出众的才艺 曾经热爱舞蹈 却放弃了

平平淡淡 过日子
我就是 灵

My Valentine

Japenese Village in Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

Colmar Tropicale, Bukit Tinggi Pahang

Chinese New Year